Saturday, February 16, 2008


Derek is going to be Deploying soon. We are sure going to miss him. He is my children's favorite playmate. He is also who we go to when we need comforted. Like last night.
near our house is a railroad track that is very seldom used, so seldom that I've only heard them twice since we've lived here. Last night just after we went to bed a train went by. It blew it's whistle and it scared our baby boy. He came to our door saying, "scared," and he needed his papa.
Papa also is good for riding.;)

A Note To The Do-It- Yourself-ers

When you have a problem with your Auto, Please, Please, do NOT use expanding foam under the hood- anywhere!
Today Derek is replacing the washer pump on our truck. it happens to be A LOT harder to do because the previous owners, whoever they were, tried to fix the washer fluid hose with expanding foam.
So, when somethings not working, use duct tape. just kidding. fix it the right way.:)